We want you to come to Cashiers, take a load off, breathe in some fresh mountain air, and CELEBRATE your pants off with us!  Seriously, your presence is our gift and it is a damn fine gift! 

However, we understand that some of y'all may still want to get us something.  We have registered at a handful of fun places, but before we send you off in a million different directions, we thought we'd provide you with an overview of all the goodies at:


Shipping Address for packages:
1091 Simmons Bridge Road
Greensboro, GA 30642

We are also on the hunt for a kitchen table and a couple pieces of furniture to store these nifty items, so if you'd rather contribute to our "loft furnishings" fund, please feel free to send checks to our new address:

Mailing address for cards/checks:
900 Peachtree Street NE Apt. 201
Atlanta, GA 30309

We are forever grateful, will think of you whenever we use your thoughtful gift, and look forward to seeing you all in June!